Friday, November 18, 2011

News headlines: "THRIVE" MOVIE: DON'T FALL FOR IT!



The big budget "activist" movie called "Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?" was launched on November 11, 2011 (11/11/11). This is not just a movie. It's a movement!

The Thrive movie has big advertising. Big names. Big message. Big budget...and it has big "disinformation" mixed with truth.

Watch the trailer...and get sucked right in to yet another hijacking of the activist movement by the ruling crime families.

This is a hijacking!



Foster Gamble, the producer of "Thrive: What On Earth Will It Take?", claims he spent his entire life trying to figure out what has caused the staggering agony and deprivation on planet earth. That is a blatant lie. Foster Gamble knows the cause. He has known the cause his entire life...because his filthy rich, consciencless family helped cause the staggering agony and deprivation on planet earth.



This is the movie poster Ad for Foster Gamble's timely 11/11/11 movie. See any red flags? How about the obvious numerology and illuminati symbolism?

The movie poster shows the Satanic all-seeing-eye symbol which is typically conveyed by covering up one eye. There is a serpent (cobra) image reflected over the iris of the eye. The partially hidden hand gestures symbolize the number "666".

This movie IS NOT waking up the world. It is tricking the world into believing that it is being awakened when, in reality, it is being hypnotized into an even deeper sleep.



Big budget movies don't get made, don't get advertised and don't get viewed in mainstream theaters internationally without big financing and a big thumbs up from the bankster owned media monopolies who also own Famous Players and Odeon Cineplex where you watch the movies that support their agenda.


So, who is Foster Gamble and where did he get the big money to produce "Thrive"? Does the name "Gamble" ring a bell? How about the name Proctor & Gamble? For those who have never heard of Proctor & Gamble, it is a Fortune 500 American multinational corporation. It is one of the world's biggest, most toxic corporate polluters on the face of the earth with an annual turnover of over $68 billion. Is Foster Gamble any relation to Proctor and Gamble? You betcha!

Foster Gamble, the creator/host/co-writer/producer of "Thrive" is an heir and direct descendent of James Gamble of Procter and Gamble. This privileged movie producer was a Princeton frat boy and his partner is a former journalist for Newsweek International which merged with The Daily Beast in November 2010.


The original Proctor & Gamble Logo was designed with Satanic symbolism. The rams horns. The occult number 13 represented by 13 inverted pentagram stars. The number 666 which is the number of the "beast" in Revelation 13.

The multi-billion dollar P&G corporation was forced to change its logo because the public correctly perceived that the bearded man with horns symbolized Satan.



P&G has admitted using guinea pigs, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets, rats and mice in their ‘laboratory research’, as well as cats and dogs in food experiments.

Investigations reveal P&G’s ongoing involvement in painful, torturous and lethal animal tests to get its new products on the market.

P&G has been lobbying governments to block bans on animal testing for cosmetics and household product ingredients.


Does Foster Gamble, heir to the Proctor and Gamble fortune, know that P&G does hundreds of millions of dollars of business with the Pentagon and is one of the top contractors for the U.S War Dept.? Does he know that P&G did business with Nazi Germany's Third Reich? Of course he does.

Does Foster Gamble know that P&G distributes Genetically Modified contaminated food and that they produced the controversial fat substitute olestra, marketed under the name Olean (a synthetic combination of fatty acids and sugar bound together in molecules too large for the human body to absorb or digest). Of course he does.

Does Foster Gamble know that P&G is the maker of water-contaminating Tide detergent, fluoride-contaminated Crest toothpaste and landfill-destroying Pampers? Does he know that P&G is assaulting Planet Earth's environment worldwide? P&G's one-use disposable diapers contributes to 2% of the solid waste diverted to landfills. It takes 500 years for P&G disposable diapers to decompose in a plastic garbage bag buried in a landfill. Of course he does.

Why isn't Foster Gamble, a self professed "save-the-planet" environmentalist, making a movie about boycotting Proctor and Gamble? That's what his THRIVE movie should be all about.


Never undersestimate the cunning and cleverness of the conscienceless corporate oligarchy. Never underestimate the corporate rulers who finance politicians into power. Never undersestimate the allegiance of their heirs and offsrping to fulfilling the one world government agenda.

Over the centuries, the corporate oligarchy have lied, cheated, looted, polluted, slaughtered, tortured, conquered, enslaved and impoverished. They have masterminded and financed both sides of every war, every revolution and every movement.

The "Thrive" movement is their latest brainschild. It is designed to fool the masses into believing that aliens are coming - either to rescue us or destroy us.


"The best way to unite all the nations on this globe would be an attack from some other planet. In the face of such an alien enemy, people would respond with a sense of their unity of interest and purpose.” John Dewey, New York.1917

Unfortunately people are blinded by their desire to “believe” in something. They want to believe that Foster Gamble isn't as greedy, ruthless, diabolically cruel and cold hearted as his corporate ancestors. Take another look at the movie poster. Zebras don't change their stripes.

Posted via email from moneytalks's posterous

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