Christians: Beware the fox in the hen house and the Bible Literacy Project
By: Devvy
September 5, 2010Separation of Church and State has been a very lucrative business for the ACLU and AU (Americans United for the Separation of Church and State) for over a half century. They prowl the country looking for the right chicken to pluck.
Only someone who has put their brain on idle for the past 25 years can deny the attack on Christianity in this country is (1) real and in your face, and (2) a serious and constant war to wear down the American people. Get rid of the Ten Commandment anywhere in public! Why rot the minds of members of Congress and other elected offices with God's commandments: no lying, stealing, adultery, or murder (abortion). Useful fools throughout this country are increasingly taking to protecting the barbaric, totalitarian system called Islam masquerading as a religion, while accepting the massive assault on Christianity.
Funny thing, though, history doesn't back up all the blathering by those who work so hard to shut out God in America. Take for instance The New England Primer of 1777:
"In the early colonial period, reading the Bible was the primary reason and motivation for learning to read. For example, in 1647, the "Old Deluder Act" was passed by the Massachusetts General Court required every township with 50 or more families to hire a teacher. Similar legislation quickly spread to the other New England colonies, being the first step towards compulsory education. The preamble was explicit that knowledge of the Scriptures was the chief goal, and that "one chief project of that old deluder, Satan, [is] to keep men from the knowledge of the Scriptures" (see text with original spelling and typesetting represented in Ford, and an modernized spelling rendering of the text is found here). Illiterate people were at the mercy of other people for their knowledge of God and His Word, and inaccessibility to the Bible had fomented centuries of darkness prior to the Reformation. Indeed the appearance of early primers in England has been connected directly to the beginning of the Reformation. Only literate people could have the privilege of direct, independent access to God's revelation.
"This connection and between learning the alphabet and learning Scripture and doctrine is pervasive in The New England Primer. And the concern that children come to know Christ as Savior and Lord is obvious. By the modern taste, specific language in the Primer is frequently termed stern and morbid. Our modern culture tries to avoid the recognition of death. But to the colonial culture, where death was ever present, the reality of coming to know Christ before one's demise was of urgent concern. The truth spoken in verses such as "As runs the Glass our life does pass" (for letter 'G') is irrefutable--albeit unpopular.
"The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution says:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Schools throughout the country, as well as counties and local municipalities, have been under attack for decades by threats of lawsuits or actual lawsuits by the ACLU and the AU for even whispering the word God. All based on the First Amendment.
Now, let me give you an example. After 9/11 our nation is in anguish and pain. A school puts God Bless America up on their marquee. In marches those pious (oops) bastions of constitutional enforcement, ACLU lawyers. Why, you can't put that on your marquee - it violates separation of church and state! Do you hear me? We will sue!
Go back and read the First Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Did Congress come into Smith County School District to make a law establishing any religion? Well, no. Congress has never done such a thing, yet toxic organizations who purport to support the First Amendment and "everyone's right to worship" constantly use threats of lawsuits to convince everyone that a simple statement on a school marquee translates to Congress coming into the school district and establishing a religion.
How about the Ten Commandments on display at the Supreme Court building in Alabama? Those of us who were outraged over the removal of Chief Justice Roy Moore from the Alabama Supreme Court remember very well:
"U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson ruled the granite carving was an unconstitutional endorsement of religion. Moore refused to obey the order but was overruled by his eight colleagues on the state Supreme Court."
Let's apply that monument sitting on display with the words in the First Amendment because words have meaning: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Now, did Congress sweep into the State of Alabama and make a law establishing any religion as a result of that monument sitting there? Well, no.
A federal judge, U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson, appointed by Jimmy Carter, decided to rewrite the First Amendment: A display of the Ten Commandments anywhere in public buildings or in front of a public building constitutes establishing Christianity as an official religion by Congress in the State of Alabama. That's exactly what Thompson's ruling said. A violation of church and state. Hooey!
What did Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story have to say about the matter back in 1833, Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States?
"The whole power over the subject of religion is left exclusively to the State governments, to be acted upon according to their own sense of justice and the State Constitutions."
That quote comes from a book that should be read by Americans so they can get actual historical facts about the issue of religion when this nation was birthed and for centuries to come: The Original 13: A Documentary History of Religion in America's First Thirteen States by William J. Federer. I'm sure it drives atheists and the other God-hating organization nuts, but they are historical facts. I have never and do not endorse any state of the Union establishing any religion, but tens of millions of us are fed up with the ACLU and AU and their never ending lawsuits based on a local high school football team violating church and state because they willingly decide to say a little prayer before a game.
How about my state's constitution?
The Texas Constitution Preamble
Humbly invoking the blessings of Almighty God, the people of the State of Texas, do ordain and establish this Constitution.
How about California's State Constitution?
California Constitution - Preamble
We, the People of the State of California, grateful to Almighty God for our freedom, in order to secure and perpetuate its blessings, do establish this Constitution.
How about the State of Vermont?
Article 3rd. Freedom in religion; right and duty of religious worship (notes) -- That all persons have a natural and unalienable right, to worship Almighty God, according to the dictates of their own consciences and understandings, as in their opinion shall be regulated by the word of God;...Nevertheless, every sect or denomination of Christians ought to observe the sabbath or Lord's day, and keep up some sort of religious worship, which to them shall seem most agreeable to the revealed will of God.
Why hasn't the ACLU or the AU sued to force any state of the Union to take those "offensive" words out of their state constitutions? Why? Because they would lose. The ACLU and AU prey on school districts and municipalities who cave rather than face monster legal bills.
Please remember that communism cannot take root and grow in a country until God is driven out. The communitarian doctrine is the communist morality. This is important to understand. Communitarianism is a toxic, evil doctrine. Communitarian policy does not get enough attention, but it's critical you take the time to learn because it's the poison is being inculcated in your child's brain; children and college students.
I'm old enough to remember prayer in public school. I'm also old enough to see the complete and total meltdown of a moral nation into one of decadent sewage since prayer was taken out of schools.
Over the years truly Herculean efforts have been underway by dedicated organizations like the National Council On Bible Curriculum In Public Schools; board members include Chuck Norris and his wife. I have been truly awed by their work as well as so many others (too many to name) to right the wrong regarding any mention of God or the Bible in public schools. Before anyone reaches for the phone to call the ACLU, here is their mission statement:
"A program is underway to serve the public through educational efforts concerning a First Amendment right and religious freedom issue. This is to bring a state certified Bible course (elective) into the public high schools nationwide.
"The curriculum for the program shows a concern to convey the content of the Bible as compared to literature and history. The program is concerned with education rather than indoctrination of students. The central approach of the class is simply to study the Bible as a foundation document of society, and that approach is altogether appropriate in a comprehensive program of secular education."
Programs are now being taught in America's schools in exactly the context described above. But, there is a problem with one of the textbooks and content. There is also the age old problem of the fox in the hen house and in this case, one who has tremendous influence.
The textbook I refer to is The Bible and Its Influence (Bible Literacy Project). I have the 'Student Text' and the Teacher's Edition right in front of me.
This textbook is from the Bible Literacy Project. The only problem is that it contains a slew of problematic passages. Many well known pastors and reverends have stepped forward to voice their objection to this textbook; see a list here.Those who have done the hard research about the Bible Literacy Project are shocked that popular Christian leader and cultural commentator, Chuck Colson, continues to support the BLP despite being told the truth about that operation. One has to wonder why?
See these two images?
They are the opening pages of the student text which can be purchased from Amazon. One name that sticks out is Charles Haynes who is a senior scholar at the First Amendment Center. Now, you might ask just why are so many Christians fighting the Bible Literacy Project and in particular, Charles Haynes? What is it you should know about the BLP, Charles Haynes and the Communitarian Network? Here is an excellent piece written by Alabama State Senator, Scott Beason:
The deception of the Bible Literacy Project
April 10, 2008"Virtually banned from American schools in the early '60s, the Bible has faced a rising onslaught of wrath, ridicule and legal assaults. So, why after all these years would liberal opponents suddenly turn and support a textbook titled, "The Bible and Its Influence"? Why such enthusiastic acclaim for a controversial curriculum published for public schools by the Bible Literacy Project?
"The answer may lie behind a man by the name of Charles Haynes, a key player in the work of the Bible Literacy Project.
* Charles Haynes, of the innocuous-sounding Freedom Forum / First Amendment Center, has written an article entitled "When the Government Prays, No One Wins," in which he infers that the National Day of Prayer should be declared illegal. This has been published nationwide (see last article on page).
* Charles Haynes co-authors books with the Council On Islamic Education, which also endorses the guidelines by which "The Bible and Its Influence" was written.
* Charles Haynes serves on the Board of the Pluralism Project, along with a Wiccan high priestess, Margot Adler.
* Charles Haynes is the author of a Communitarian manifesto on religious education. In addition, Haynes authored "Public Schools and Sexual Orientation: A First Amendment Framework", which is endorsed by the radical Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network.
"The Communitarian Network has been written about by both Joseph Farah, founder of WorldNetDaily, and Gen. Ben Partin. Farah says, "The best I can decipher of this popular new idea of Communitarianism is that it is not a new idea at all. To put it in its simplest form, I would describe it as a form of communism for people who believe in God." Partin says that the bottom line of the Communitarians is to bring in communism. Six members of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board for the Bible Literacy Project are signatories to the Communitarian Platform.
* Charles Haynes was a project director for the liberal Americans United for Separation of Church and State (Washington Times by Larry Whitham, July 27, 1990, "Teachers Study Role of Religion in History").
* Charles Haynes was a contributor, reviewer, and consultant to the Bible Literacy Project's textbook, "The Bible and Its Influence."
* The Bible Literacy Project textbook has an almost full-page promotion of UNESCO (page 365). (UNESCO's first director-general, socialist Julian Huxley, laid the foundation for today's global education. Pointing to facilitated group dialogue as the solution, he wrote, "The task before UNESCO … is to the help the emergence of a single world culture. …").
"The textbook by the Bible Literacy Project, "The Bible and Its Influence," incorporates the Hegelian dialectic process outlined in "Finding Common Ground: A First Amendment Guide to Religion and Public Education" by Charles Haynes and ACLU author/lawyer Oliver Thomas. Thus, schoolchildren learn "about the Bible" through a pre-planned group process that twists the Bible into the evolving ideals of the planned global spirituality."
There's an old saying: Lie down with dogs, get up with fleas.
If you are concerned about what your child is being taught, then please read the full column above.
The "I'm too busy" excuse is no excuse when it comes to what propaganda is being pumped in your child's head at school and who is priming them for spiritual disaster. I am a strong supporter of the goals of the many, many fine organizations all across America who have worked so hard to bring the Bible back into the class room for study, but I also know from being an activist full time in the trenches for two decades that the deceivers are draped in the American flag. Their target is your child. Don't let that happen. Do not support the Bible Literacy Project or any of the players like Charles Haynes, their foundations or centers.
Once you do the homework, I hope parents by the millions will demand their schools remove and stop using The Bible and Its Influence (Bible Literacy Project). If the school refuses, put it in writing that your child will not participate in being taught dangerous and anti-Biblical material. Rise up and stand firm on this because your child's soul is at stake.
"The National Council on Bible Curriculum has been voted into 555 school districts (2,061 high schools) in 38 states. Over 360,000 students have already taken this course nationwide, on the high school campus, during school hours, for credit. I have devoted many hours to studying this and fully endorse and support their program." Talk to your school district policy makers and tell them you want the National Council on Bible Curriculum used and not any books or materials from the Bible Literacy Project. Stand firm.
I'll tell you something else and this is just my personal opinion. I believe without hesitation or doubt that those who fought for and birthed this constitutional republic were divinely inspired and driven to define for the whole world what freedom and liberty really means. They believed our rights come from God and not government. Look at how America has not only ignored God's laws, but has become one awash in immoral degeneracy while gradually accepting a nation without God. Like secular conservatives. Like the rotten, corrupt and morally bankrupt politicians in this country.
The people of this country had better get down on their knees, as George Washington did at Valley Forge, humbly beg God's forgiveness and ask him to help us as we fight evil in human form. Without his blessing, we will fail and our republic will fall.
Important Links:
Media's "Go-To" Man on Religion in Public Schools Has Conflict of Interest
The real Charles HaynesCharles Haynes and Communitarianism
2nd VP Southern Baptist Convention Still Says No to Bible Literacy Project
Ltr from Dr. James Kennedy denouncing the Bible Literacy Project (scroll down)ACLU fulfilling communist agenda
Connecticut School Removes Lord Reference in High School Diplomas
"We certainly don't want to offend anyone"Really? That dolt should read his own state constitution:
Constitution of the State of Connecticut - Preamble
"The People of Connecticut acknowledging with gratitude, the good providence of God;"Music can be banned if it even sounds religious
No crosses for the fallen
America, 2010: Christians hauled to jail for preaching Jesus
Bible finally allowed in Florida school
Mention of 'God' stops kindergarten field trip
"I didn't know it was a sin saying 'God' in America."Board enraged by any mention of 'God'
Dispute over teacher's patriotic banners escalatesThis is a perfect example of the absolute stupidity and hysterical nonsense going on in schools. One banner reads:
All Men are created Equal. They are endowed by their Creator.
Where have you read those words before? The Declaration of Independence
Perhaps the fact challenged board at that school should go back to school and learn something besides political correctness.
More insanity and stupidity:
Georgia Senior Citizens Told They Can't Pray Before Meals
"If there's one thing Mayor Glenn "Pig" Jones can't stomach, it's telling elderly citizens at a local senior citizens center that they can't pray before meals.
"But Jones, mayor of Port Wentworth, Ga., a town of roughly 3,000 near Savannah, has been doing just that since last week, when the company that provides food for the seniors -- with federal funding -- determined that saying an organized prayer before meals violates the separation of church and state."
First of all, Congress has no legal authority to steal the fruits of your labor to provide funds for senior meals in any state. That is the domain of the State Legislatures.
Second, tell the state to find a new company to provide the meals paid for by their taxpayers.
Devvy Kidd authored the booklets, Why A Bankrupt America and Blind Loyalty; two million copies distributed. Devvy appears on radio shows all over the country. She left the Republican Party in 1996 and has been an independent voter ever since. Devvy is a constitutionalist who believes in the supreme law of the land, not some political party.
Visit Devvy's website at: You can also sign up for her free email alerts. Devvy's radio show broadcasts Mon-Fri. To listen, go to:
Monday, September 6, 2010
Devvy -- Christians: Beware the fox in the hen house and the Bible Literacy Project -- 09/05/10
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